Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
Gambling Addiction Vs Problem Gambling

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Are You Affected By Someone Who Has A Gambling Problem ?

I attended a Gambling Conference last Saturaday 17 Apr 2010, organised by Mediacorp together with NCPG and NAMS. It was meant to educated the general public what is gambling addiction and problem gambling. How does it affect the family and what kind of help and treatment is available.

One of the many similar question asked during both the Chinese and English sessions was :-


So here in my recovery blog, I decided to share my strength and experiences with you ...
Here are the 20 questions that used by the GAM-ANON to help you to answer the question,
  1. Do you find yourself constantly bothered by bill collectors?
  2. Is the person in question away from home for long, unexplained periods of time?
  3. Does this person ever lose time from work due to gambling?
  4. Do you feel that this person cannot be trusted with money?
  5. Does the person in question faithfully promise that he or she will stop gambling or beg and plead for another chance, yet gamble again and again?
  6. Does this person ever gamble longer than he or she intended to - until the last dollar is gone?
  7. Does this person ever gamble to get money to solve financial difficulties or have unrealistic expectations that gambling will bring the family material comfort and wealth?
  8. Does this person immediately return to gambling to try to recover losses or to win more?
  9. Does this person borrow money to gamble or to pay gambling debts?
  10. Has this person's reputation ever suffered due to gambling, even to the extent of committing illegal acts to finance gambling?
  11. Have you come to the point of hiding money needed for living expenses, knowing that you and the rest of the family may go without food and clothing if you do not?
  12. Do you search this person's clothing, go through his or her wallet when the opportunity presents itself, or otherwise check on his or her activities?
  13. Do you hide his or her money?
  14. Have you noticed a significant change in the gambler as his or her gambling progresses?
  15. Does the person in question consistently lie to cover-up or deny his or her gambling activities?
  16. Does this person use guilt induction to shift responsibilities for his or her gambling activities?
  17. Do you attempt to anticipate this person's moods or try to control his or her life?
  18. Does this person ever suffer from remorse or depression due to gambling, sometimes to the point of threatening self-destruction?
  19. Has gambling ever brought you to the point of threatening to break up the family unit?
  20. Do you feel that your life together is a nightmare?
If you answered "yes" to at least six of the above questions you may be living with a compulsive gambler.


This is indeed a very challenging question.... the Cruel fact is that "If the gambling addict do not want help, or refuses help, no one can force the addict to get help" .... BUT there are somethings that you could consider doing to help the gamblers and yourself too. Do remember that these are purely my own experience and strength.
1) Share with the person about the problem gambling
- Ask the person about his or her gambling. If you think there might be a problem, the direct approach is best. However, use a positive approach so the person feels your concern and understands that there are some ways that you would consider helping. Though more than often, he will just shut you off, but keep doing it. Consider how you might be willing to support or assist if the person is having a problem. Tell him/her that you care and love him/her.
- Try to avoid arguments and confrontation, and don't keep blaming the person for all the destruction and damages he has created. These approaches may cause defensive behaviour in the gambler.

2) Avoid Bail-Out if possible
- It's tough for family members and close friends to watch a problem gambler run into financial problems. But ask yourself these questions ,
  • "Should money be loaned or given in these circumstances?"
  • "Are you helping him or enabling him to gamble more. Are you his enabler ??"
  • "How many times have you bailed him/her out ? Did he/she stop ? " 
  • "How many times have he/she promised you to stop after bailout ?"
This, at times may sound cruel and uncaring, but it's really the only thing you can do so that the gambler will experience the consequences of his or her gambling. If problem gamblers are bailed out, they don't have to face the financial problems and can continue to gamble, adding to future problems. ADDICTS like me are good actor and liar !! I do anything, agree anything just for that instant moment to get bailout. However, you can still make it clear that you will stand by the gambler and be there to support him or her.

3) Find out more about problem gambling and learn to Protect Yourself Too!!
- You will be better able to help both yourself and the problem gambler if you gather as much information as possible about the problem. do remember to seek to the "right" person. There maybe alot of self proclaimed professional in dealing with problem gambling. It will help you to prepare for future issues, enabling you to minimize the impact that problem gambling may have on you and your family.

Protecting Yourself - Do not harbour the thoughts of guilt, shame and helplessness. You are not responsbile for his gambling addiction.!! When there are feelings of frustration and anger caused by the impact of the gambling, do not go into isolation, find someone you could trust to talk to. If you can't overcome the shame, call the problem gambling help line. Let the professional help you first. 

4) Protect Your finances
- Learn to protect your finances will help you to look after your family needs, avoid the problem gamblers from sucking you dry to fuel his gambling habits. Once the problem gamblers run out of resources, he would be forced to stop. Then you could come in to encourage in to seek help.
  • Do not allow the gambler to have access to your account (or even joint account).
  • Don't let the gambler have unnecessary access to cash and credit.
  • Plan your family budget. Make sure the bills are paid on time. Don't let the gamblers pay the bills for the family.
  • NEVER assume the gambler's debt. Especially the illegal debts.
  • Don't sign anything you don't understand without professional advice.
4) Keep Encouraging the person to seek help
- Sad to say, often problem gamblers would only consider help in the rock bottom stage. Some perhaps in the desparation stage to manipulate, seeking bailout. During these stage, continue to encourage him, if possible, link him up with another gambling addict in recovery. One addict best understand another, without judgement. Perhaps another addict in recovery will let him see hope .... There's alot of fear once stopped gambling. Overwhelming reality to face .... he/she can't do it alone and no courage to face them, also do not know how to face them ... So being with a group of fellowship who has gone through all the shits that he/she will be facing in time to come, is definitely a encouraging bonus for him/her. 

Hope that you find these information useful and helpful. Remember, you are not alone. The trama you are facing and about to face is not unqiue.... YES, it's frightening, it's painful, fraustrating, stressful .... BUT there's definitely light down the tunnel. AND you don't need to walk through the dark, slippery, scarey tunnel on your own with pain. There's help available now. Pick up the phone .... 

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Problem Gamblers in Denial

What is Denial ?

How we know that the problem gambler in denial ?

In my early recovery, I was taught ....
DENIAL stands for~ "Don't Even Notice I Am Lying"

Gambling Addict  like myself are very good actor, liar and manipulator ... I used to put on a good show. I worn a mask .... No one know who I was ... Not even myself ....

Blaming others for any set of consequences usually constitutes Denial.

And Denial keeps all gambling addicts in their addictions.

Here are some of the Defence Mechanisms of a problem gambler in denial. These are some of the things which I did when I was in my addiction mode.

1. Rationalizing - I don't gamble every day, I can stop anytime I want to. I don't have a problem.

2. Minimizing - I don't gamble half of what he does. I don’t lose “that much”.

3. Cockiness - I got it made before, big time. These other folks are losers.

4. Justifying – I am forced to gamble. I have lots of debts and bills to pay. I have no choice

5. Projecting – I just need a big win, pay off everything and I will stop.

6. Blaming - You drove me to gamble - or - It is my job/family/study stress.

7. Humour - This isn't serious. Life is a joke. Life is also a gamble

8. Intellectualizing – Everyone else is in some form of gambling. This shows that I'm probably not a gambling addict. Moreover, I am smart. I have a system to beat the odds.

9. Lying - I only made a couple of bets, maybe three. The amount I owe is “ÖNLY” a few grand ….

10. Manipulation - If you help to bail me out of my debts, I'll quit gambling.

11. Accusing – You all caused me to gamble.

12. Threatening (I) - Get off my back or you will be sorry!

13. Threatening (II) – If you don’t help me to pay my debts, I will be dead. I will jump.

14. Judging - If you did this or that right, things wouldn't be so bad.

15. Explaining - Oh, I gamble because I . . .

16. Analyzing - I started gambling more because of ____, it will slow down later.

17. Arguing - I'm not an compulsive gambler, I've never lost my whole pay or I pay all my bills on time . . .

18. Defiance - I dare you to prove that I'm a compulsive gambler. I dare you prove my odds theory is wrong

19. Withdrawing / Isolation - If I don't do or say anything, they will leave me alone eventually.

20. Shouting - Leave me alone, I don't want to talk about it!

21. Silence - Let them say what they want to. I will keep quiet. Once I win, it will be ok.

22. Smiling - Just laugh it off. Nervous smile.

23. Compliance - I just do and say what they want. I will wait for the next opportunity to fight back

Am I in denial now ? Yes and No .... why ?

NO, I am not in denial
- Because I admitted I am a gambling addict. I am powerless over my gambling addiction and my life is unmanageable.

YES, I am in denial
- Because I have not accepted that this is not my game and I still think that I have an odds theory to beat the book-maker.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Are You Too Busy For Recovery ?

Recently I happen to meet a couple of recovery friends who I either have not seen them at the recovery support group (rsg) meeting for a long while or hvae left the rsg, for various reasons that only known to themselves. However, interestingly, when I invited them to come back to rsg meeting, they all decline, stating various reasons ....

Here are some of the answers..

  • "Bro, I have move on liao .... There are more important things in life you know ... "
  • "Bro, I have debts to pay, family to feed, so I have work extra hard to find money. Where got time to attend rsg."
  • "Bro, I just got a job. I am working shift. Can't attend the rsg. Need to focus on my job"
  • "Bro, I am not thinking about gambling anymore. I won't go back to destructive gambling"
  • "Bro, family more important lah. I have little ones at home."
  • "Bro, I am very tired after each day work."
  • "Bro, I have a relapse. I am not ready to return to the group.""
  • "Bro, no point lah. I have gone back my old ways liao. Rsg can't help me"

Surely some of them are very valid reasons too. It does happens gradually.

In recovery, We get jobs. We reunite with our families. We’re raising children, or we’re going to school at night. The house needs to be cleaned. The debts need to be paid. We have to work late. We’re tired. We placed small bets. We had a slip/relapse .....

It happened to me in recovery too. At times I do slip away from my own recovery plans. And all of a sudden, I notice that I haven’t called my counselor, skipping my appointment with my doctor, cancel going to a meeting, didn't spoken to a newcomer, or even talked to God in quite a while.

What do I do at this point? I know I have to renew my commitment to my recovery, or if not, something would definitely happen and my life become unmanageable yet again.

It's my choice. It's your choice too. But note, it's really - Quite a choice too ! I need to put more effort in maintaining the foundation of my recovery on which my new life is built. That foundation makes everything else in my life possible, and it will surely crumble if I am too busy with everything else, or I started to stay away because I have placed a bet, slip or relapse. I must get back on to the right path of recovery again.

I can’t afford to be too busy to recover. I can't afford to be too shameful or too shy to return to the group if I have place a bet. I will do something today that sustains my own recovery.

Thank God that I am still in recovery today.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


In my early recovery, someone gave this GA-literature to me ...... I am currently working my steps for coming back up from a slippery slope .... perhaps I should call it a full mental relapse ....

I didn't go back to full destructive gambling .... but the mind and emotion was already there and I was on the verge of going back .... the thoughts were so real, so frightening and scary.

Thank God that I am in recovery, and I decided to call it quit for the moment but I still cannot accept that "this is not my game anymore".... It's a real struggle. A struggle for life. I spoke to my wife and Thank God she was supportive and understanding.

Many ask .. What is addiction .... Here's the answer from "itself" - Addiction

I Am Addiction

I start in small subtle ways promising many things
I promise you enjoyment and pleasure beyond your wildest dreams,
I deliver guilt & despair more horrible than your worst nightmare,
I promise you power & courage,I give you feelings of powerlessness & hopelessness,

I will force you to live in fear always,
I promise you relief and escape from all your daily problems,
I create for you greater problems than you ever imagined,
I promise you many friends, I allow you only isolation,
I promise happiness, I create much sorrow,

I will steal from you your dignity ,your families, your friends, your children, your homes, your demons, your spirit & your life, for love, freedom & happiness are impossible to find in my presence, So never underestimate me,

I am devious & manipulating, I have no preferences as to who I pick as my victim, rich or poor, young or old, black, white, yellow or red.

I have killed men, women & children, I have no conscience. So if you have met me, always be aware if you think you can beat me that I will be gone from your life and all will go well again.

Never forget that I will always be there, waiting in the dark shadows just around the corner.

I am very patient and I will laugh in your face if I can lure you into my evil world of hell on earth once again.

I Am Addiction