Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
Gambling Addiction Vs Problem Gambling

Thursday, August 7, 2008


“We focus on anything that isn’t going our way and ignore all the beauty in our lives.”

It’s easy to be grateful when everything runs smoothly. If we get a raise at work, we’re grateful. If we get married, we’re grateful. If someone surprises us with a nice present or an unasked favor, we’re grateful.

But if we get fired, divorced, or disappointed, gratitude flies out the window. We find ourselves becoming obsessed with the things that are wrong, even though everything else may be wonderful.

This is where we can use a gratitude list.

We sit down with a pen and paper and list the people for whom we are grateful. We all have people who’ve supported us through life’s upheavals. We list the spiritual assets we have attained, for we know we could never make it through our present circumstances without them. Last, but not least, we list our recovery itself. Whatever we have that we are grateful for goes on the list.

We’re sure to find that we have literally hundreds of things in our lives that inspire our gratitude. Even those of us who are suffering from an illness or who have lost all material wealth will find blessings of a spiritual nature for which we can be thankful. An awakening of the spirit is the most valuable gift an addict can receive.

Just for today:

I will write a list of things, both material and spiritual, for which I am grateful.


kinjio said...

When the bank or loan shark ask the gambler for money , the gambler obediently give it to them

When the mother , wife or love one ask the gambler for money ,the gambler do not give it to them.

They rather keep it for further gambling and they feel no remorse at all losing it all away

kinjio said...

Story of 3 cats , the fat cat , the skinny cat and the sleeping cat

The fat cat is theb bookies or singaporepools.
The gambler keep losing and giving their hard earn money to them.This cat grow fat

The skinny cat is the mother,wife and children.The gambler is not giving them enough.This cat grow skinny

The sleeping cat is the gambler.
The gambler do not have the awareness to know what is happening around them.This cat is sleeping

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