Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
Gambling Addiction Vs Problem Gambling

Friday, November 22, 2019

I am Never the One.

I saw my hope..... 

I saw my motivation.....

It kept me going...

I know I wasn't good enough..... but I tried....

I'm so so sorry that I was not good enough.... i tot I was ... honestly....

And I tried very hard.... and got so far ...

But at the end of the day....

It's doesn't even matter..... bcos I am just a bastard and fucker to everyone.

there is no 'right' person..... bcos I will never be good enough to anyone...

Rest in peace Bennie. Your time is up

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Great Pretender!!

Addicts r great Pretender??? 

Oh really....... finally I managed to find out after placing my last bet..... someone else is much better than me!

So??  I lied bcos I want to place a bet!! 

But I'm not fake!!!  I treat people ard me with real love... my heart and soul . But I really love and enjoy my last Bet! 

But this whole..... this life.... is full of fake people.... who pretend to love and care and then behind BANG!! They made use of me.... cheated on me and betrayed me..... then said it was me causing it....

Tell you what.... why we addict lasted so long..... bcos we are not fake!!! I just so love my last BET! 

Fake things don't last!

I can be that fcking fool!! I'm used to being a fcking fool. 

It's ok! 

Remember this.... fake things don't last 

On 27 Mar 2019...
Hialast word ....

Your most loved ''drug of your choice''  won't stay loyal to you ...

YNWA .... never EVER believe this bullshit

Rest in Peace.


The Past of An Addict.

Ask any Addict.... and 100% will reply this..

《The Past keeps Haunting Me!!! 》

And everyone seems to Judge Me by my past.... No matter how long I have been good and clean.

Once familiar incident like in the past happens.... it will trigger everything.

So? ? ?

That's what Recovery is all about.

Totally sucks to my Ass!! The Past can hurt! And it hurts many.

They all said addicts = full of lies and betrayal.....

Life itself is full of lies and betrayal!!! 

Karma serves all dicks and bitches!  No where to run. 

Bcos I'm addict so I deserved to be cheated and betrayed !!

Come and get me!!

I will show you that I'm unbreakable!