Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
Gambling Addiction Vs Problem Gambling

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


“A lot happens in one day, both negative and positive. If we do not take the time to appreciate both, perhaps we will miss something that will help us grow.”

Responsibility, responsibility — the responsibilities of life are everywhere. Now in recovery, on top of normal responsibility, we’re “supposed to” stop gambling, learn to structure and pay for our debts, learn to hold on to a job, go to GA meetings and practice our recovery program as best we can (with honesty, open-mindedness and willingness)

It’s no wonder that, sometimes, we want to run from all these tasks and escape to some far-off island where we’re not “supposed to” do anything! Many times like these, when we’ve become overwhelmed with our responsibilities, we have forgotten that responsibility need not be burdensome.

When we have a desire to run away from our responsibilities we need to slow down, remember why we have chosen them, and pay attention to the gifts they bring. Whether it’s a job we normally find challenging and interesting, or a partner whose personality we are usually excited by, or a child whom we naturally like to play with and care for, there is joy to be found in all the responsibilities of our lives.

The goal in recovery is to find the balance : we take responsibility for ourselves, and we identify our true responsibilities to others. We will need to be gentle with ourselves while we learn.

Just for today: Each moment is special. I will pay attention, grateful for my responsibilities and the special joys they bring.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Financial Fears

Since released .... I had been so strong, so brave, so trusting for so long. I has worked courageously at being grateful for what I had, while setting financial goals and working at believing I deserved something better ...

I had put up with so much poverty, so much deprivation since surrendering for treatment ... since the day I admitted "Im powerless over my gambling addiction ..... " . Daily, I work the Eleventh Step. I worked so hard at praying for the knowledge of God's will for me only, and the power to carry it through. I believe I was doing what I needed to do in my life. I was doing my best, working my hardest, one day at a time.

And there just wasn't enough money. Life had been a struggle in many ways, but the financial struggle seemed endless.

Money isn't everything, BUt it takes money to solve certain problems. At times, I was just so sick of people telling me "let go and let GOD do the rest" ..... I was sick of acting and pretending everything is gona be ok and GOD will rescue me ..... and acting as if I head enough money. Everyday, I have to work so hard just to learn to "LET GO" of the pain and the fear anbout not having enough family to feed my family, keep my shelter intact, pay for medical bills, kids education etc. .....

Actually, looking back, there were times I was happy. I had found my soul and regain my sanity in poverty. BUT now that I had my soul, my sanity and my self, I WANTED some money too.

Many times while I was struggling in pain and fear, I heard GOD speak to me in silent ....


Great I though. Thanks alot. I believe you and trust you. BUT LOOK AROUND .... I have no money ... I am running out of resources ..... I thought again - - - "YOU LET ME DOWN"

Again I hear HIS voice ...


I went around trying to solve the money problem my ways ..... hahaha at times still praying for GOD to grant my wife a big WIND-FALL in all the luck draws contest she took part in ..... it never happen ....

Day by Day it passes, I still have enough to feed the family, I still have enough means and support for my family necessity ..... there are helps given to me by various social services ..... I was given more and more part-time assignments , projects .... and I am starting to bring enough home ...

Since that day I surrender ..... I have had hard times, but I have never had to go without - - not for more than a moment in time.

Now, I have just enough ... I still worry about money becos that seems to be habitual..... I will continue to learn that "I DON'T HAVE TO ...... "

GOD, help me work hard at what I believe is right for me in my life today, and I will trust you for the rest. Help me let go of my fears about money. Help me turn that area over to you, GOD.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

~ Serenity Prayers ~

Serenity Prayer

Recovery involves change, and change means doing things differently. The problem is, many of us resist doing things differently; what we’re doing may not be working, but at least we’re familiar with it. It takes courage to step out into the unknown. How do we find that courage?

We can look around ourselves at our support group meeting. There, we see others who’ve found they needed to change what they were doing and who’ve done so successfully.

Not only does that help quiet our fear that change —any change— spells disaster, it also gives us the benefit of their experience with what does work, experience we can use in changing what doesn’t.

We can also look at our own recovery experience. Even if that experience, so far, has been limited to stopping gambling, still we have made many changes in our lives — changes for the good.

Whatever aspects of our lives we have applied the steps to, we have always found surrender better than denial, recovery superior to addiction.

Our own experience and the experience of others in our support group tells us that “changing the things I can” is a big part of what recovery is all about. The steps and the power to practice them give us the direction and courage we need to change. We have nothing to fear.

Just for today:
I welcome change. With the help of my Higher Power, I will find the courage to change the things I can.

Thursday, September 11, 2008



- - OF HOPE in Recovery

- - HONESTY is the key to the path of Recovery

- - To keep us protected from the ARROWS of temptation to GAMBLE or the DESIRE to GAMBLE

- - Honesty will SET you Free ..... Surrendering, Acceptance will bring you PEACE

- - Faith in the Recovery program...... GOD put tears in your eyes to create RAINBOW in your HEART. In Recovery, walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT.

- - USE the word of GOD, Use prayers to fight the ADDICT WITHIN ..... to fight against any temptation and desire to GAMBLE !!! This is the OFFENSIVE weapon. USE IT !!






Thursday, August 7, 2008


“We focus on anything that isn’t going our way and ignore all the beauty in our lives.”

It’s easy to be grateful when everything runs smoothly. If we get a raise at work, we’re grateful. If we get married, we’re grateful. If someone surprises us with a nice present or an unasked favor, we’re grateful.

But if we get fired, divorced, or disappointed, gratitude flies out the window. We find ourselves becoming obsessed with the things that are wrong, even though everything else may be wonderful.

This is where we can use a gratitude list.

We sit down with a pen and paper and list the people for whom we are grateful. We all have people who’ve supported us through life’s upheavals. We list the spiritual assets we have attained, for we know we could never make it through our present circumstances without them. Last, but not least, we list our recovery itself. Whatever we have that we are grateful for goes on the list.

We’re sure to find that we have literally hundreds of things in our lives that inspire our gratitude. Even those of us who are suffering from an illness or who have lost all material wealth will find blessings of a spiritual nature for which we can be thankful. An awakening of the spirit is the most valuable gift an addict can receive.

Just for today:

I will write a list of things, both material and spiritual, for which I am grateful.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

STEP WORK ~ GA Guide to Workng Step One

Step One ~ We admitted we were powerless over gambling – that our lives had become unmanageable.

Step One tells us that admitting our gambling defeat is humiliating and we naturally resent this show of weakness.

  1. This opposes our instincts.

  2. Destruction is at hand when we gamble.

  3. We are at war with ourselves when attempting to gamble denying our failure and unwilling to admit our weakness.

Discuss with your sponsor or counselor or another fellow member:
A) When did we first discover and/or sense the problem of our compulsive gambling ?

B) Describe instances that prove we can no longer gamble normally.

In GA we discover that admitting our gambling problem to others has become the foundation on which our recovery will be built.

  1. Our foundation can only be as strong as our continued belief that we are powerless.

  2. Our reservation about powerless over gambling (doubt), block our recovery.

Discuss with your sponsor or counselor or another fellow member:
A) Has acceptance of our “powerlessness” grown while attending meetings ?

B) Have we stopped searching for answers and causes of our gambling problem and started to deal with the problem on a daily basis ? ? Explain

Step One announces we are instinctively shocked when told that “will power” and self-knowledge will not break our obsession to gamble.

Discuss with your sponsor or counselor or another fellow member:
A) How has “will power” failed in the face of gambling ?

B) What is the meaning of the slogan “KEEP IT SIMPLE” ?

C) Have we begun to come to Gamblers Anonymous for our own personal survival - - not to satisfy others ?

Our failing brought us to GA. By admitting and accepting our problem we become willing to listen and remain open-minded.

Discuss with your sponsor or counselor or another fellow member:
A) How we learn by attending meetings regularly ?

B) Are regular meetings a chore or source of relief ?

C) Has our ability to listen improved steadily or are we bored at times ?

D) Is Gamblers Anonymous our mirror ?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Low Self Esteem

“...we covered low self-esteem by hiding behind phony images that we hoped would fool people. The masks have to go ....”


Over-sensitivity, insecurity, and lack of identity are often associated with active addiction.

Many of us carry these with us into recovery; our fears of inadequacy, rejection, and lack of direction do not disappear overnight. Many of us have images, false personalities we have constructed either to protect ourselves or please others. Some of us use masks because we’re not sure who we really are. Sometimes we think that these images, built to protect us while in active gambling, might also protect us in recovery.

We use false fronts to hide our true personality, to disguise our lack of self-esteem. These masks hide us from others and also from our own true selves. By living a lie, we are saying that we cannot live with the truth about ourselves. The more we hide our real selves, the more we damage our self-esteem.

One of the miracles of recovery is the recognition of ourselves, complete with assets and liabilities.

Self-esteem begins with this recognition. Despite our fear of becoming vulnerable, we need to be willing to let go of our disguises. We need to be free of our masks and free to trust ourselves.


I will let go of my masks and allow my self- esteem to grow.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Surrender & Acceptance ~ A Continual Process ....

“If, after a period of time, we find ourselves in trouble with our recovery, we have probably stopped doing one or more of the things that helped us in the earlier stages of our recovery.”

Surrender is just for newcomers, right? Wrong!

After we’ve been around awhile, some of us succumb to a condition particular to oldtimers. We think we know something about recovery, about God, about GA, about ourselves AND start talking like professional, trying to teach people what to do and rescue the whole world ....

The problem is, we think we know enough, and we think that merely knowing is enough. But it’s what we learn and what we do after we think we know it all that really makes the difference.

Conceit and complacency can land us in deep trouble. When we find that “applying the principles” on our own power just isn’t working, we can practice what worked for us in the beginning: SURRENDER & ACCEPTANCE

When we find we are still powerless, our lives again unmanageable, we need to seek the care of a Power greater than ourselves. We need continual surrender and acceptance. We need to learn to accept people place and things as they are. No one will be grateful for our recovery ....... We need to learn surrender to life terms and live on it's term ..... We need to accept that the quick fix solution no longer works for us .... We need to accept it's HIS timing and not ours ..... We need to surrender our "false hope" of a big win is still possible ...

And when we discover that self-therapy isn’t so therapeutic after all, we need to take advantage of “the therapeutic value of one addict helping another.” ~ This is the beauty of the spiritual program

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Don't Be Discouraged

There was a time when we have stop gambling, becoming sober and staying clean ......
THEN there came a time when we slipped and relapsed.

There was a time when we felt so discouraged, so lousy and wanted to end it all when we kept hitting wall and making no progress ..... BUT

Now is the time for us to pick ourselves up, regain sanity again and continue the healing process.

There was a time when we were so broken down ....
Now is the time to build ourselves up.

There was a time when we were at war deep within ....
Now is the time to restore peace within.

One day @ a time, Easy does it and Turn it over.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Handling Conflicts

“We learn that conflicts are a part of reality, and we learn new ways to resolve them instead of running from them.”

From time to time, we all experience conflicts. However, in recovery, it may be that we just can’t seem to get along with people around us. Maybe our family and loves one are driving us crazy.

Or perhaps our spouse or partner isn’t meeting our expectations and they don't seems to understand and care about us .....

Dealing with any conflict is difficult for recovering addicts. When tempers rise, it is often a good idea to back away from the situation until cooler minds prevail. We can always return for further discussion when we have calmed down.

We can’t avoid troubling situations, but we can use time and distance to find perspective.

Conflict is a constant part of life. It is unrealistic and we can’t go through our entire recovery without encountering disagreements and differences of opinion. Sometimes we can back away from these situations, taking time to reflect on them, but there always comes a time when conflict must be resolved.

When that time comes, we take a deep breath, say a prayer, and apply the principles our program has given us: honesty, openness, responsibility, forgiveness, trust, and all the rest.

In the past, we use gambling to keep running from life—and now in recovery, we don’t have to run anymore. We will learn how to face them, live with them.

Just for today:

The principles my program has given me are sufficient to guide me through any situation. I will strive to confront conflict in a healthy way.

Recovery is Discovery. It is .....

1) Staying away from our destructive gambling life + progressive changes


2) Learning how to live, incorporating the spiritual principles we learned in the 12 steps recovery program into our lives, to live life on life's term and to liverin harmony with others and most importantly with ourselves.

Friday, June 27, 2008


"Today when someone points out a shortcoming, my first reaction may be defensive. I know there will always be room for growth. I am still learning”

Recovery is a process that brings about change in my life. I need that change if I am to continue my growth toward freedom.

It’s important that I remain open-minded when others point out my shortcomings, for they are bringing to light opportunities for us to change and grow. Especially those shortcomings which I thought were my strength.

Reacting defensively limits my ability to receive the help they are offering to me; letting go of my defense opens the door to change, growth, and new freedom.

Each day in my recovery process will bring an opportunity for further change and growth. The more I learn to greet change with an open mind and heart, the more I will grow and the more comfortable I will become with my recovery

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Struggles with My Discoveries....

While working my Step 1 and Step 4, I came to realize the following traits of my gambler's instinct, gambler's personality and the false belief system which previously these were not presented so clear to me, Or perhaps during that past 18 months, going through coming clean with love ones, family and my bosses, gaining recovery knowledge, facing criminal charges and imprisonment, has kept my thoughts, my heart and my soul focus on stopping, staying stop ~~ for a possible miracle in recovery.......

But now when those are over, when I have served my terms, when my loved ones, family and friends felt that I have learnt my lessons well, learnt it the hard way, I would not repeat the same mistake, I can be normal again....... The pressure of staying stop suddenly is gone ...... the false belief system of I can resume as a social gambler or controlled gambling is possible because I have learnt enough of / about gambling addiction which would prevent me from returning to my previous destructive life pattern.

The hope or perhaps the false hope that God will now be merciful to me and grant me a huge win to recover all my losses returns because I have stayed clean.... because I have made changes..... because I have trust God ...... All the false belief system, the addict within starts to play the mind game....

I recalled what Apostle Paul wrote In Roman Chap 7, verse 15-17, about struggling with sins....
“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me”

I have check with my therapist and told him about my guilt, shame and pain in my self discovery ....... I struggled and still struggling with my self-discovery about the addict me and I check with him whether my discoveries are normal and common to all gambling addicts and the answer to my below questions is a simple ~~ “YES, your are right.”

1) Most gambling addicts are insecured, fearful and mainly gambled to escape emotions, to fell useful, empower and gaining control of himself. -- I DID THAT !!

2) All gambling addicts, whether in recovery or not, still harbors that false dreams of huge win,restoring one's status and hoping to prove a point to prove to others that they are ok and normal. -- I HARBOR THAT !!

3) All gambling addicts still have a deep desire to regain controlled-gaming ... the false belief system that they are good and with more experience and safety nets, they can achieve that “control”, especially when things, situation and life has become calm and pressure off. -- I HAVE THAT !!

4) All these above 3 points are usually deep hidden, and gamblers in recovery would deny them and some are even not aware about them....... -- I DISCOVERED THAT !!

I am in the process of change .....
I am in the process of learning to live life on life's term .....
I am still learning about my recovery in gambling addiction ....
I am still trying to rebuild my relationships, my foundation and myself ....
BUT It's only ONE DAY @ A TIME

Saturday, June 21, 2008


The Way to Serenity & Peace of mind.

I struggle to live life on life's terms in recovery. Often, I was advise : "If you can't solve your problems, learn to live with them and in-spite of them"

"Oh sure ... sure ... just like that.... it's just so simple.... I thought...."

- - Just accept it that there are people, places and things that you cannot change them. In recovery, we use the serenity prayers - - written by Reinhold Niebuhr.

It was shared by many that you simply ask God to give you the ability to take people, places and things as they are, if you cannot change them. We can seldom change people, especially those that we have harmed or traunmatised during the course of our active addiction. We cannot expect them to be delighted or grateful for our recovery. BUT we can Change ourselves.

Acceptance is the only real source of tranquillity, serenity, peace. It is alos known as "Surrender", "Bowing to the Inevitable", "Joining 'em". It can be acquired if you have an urgent desire to help yourself and are willing to ask God to help you.

In practise:
Face up to the problems that is driving you wild, and say: " Is there anything I can do about it right now today?" If there is do it ! Don't put it off another minute. If there's nothing you can do about it today, accept it and forget it.

I don't get over a high wall by banging my head against it - I will just get a headache and a bruised head. If I sit down in a shade of the wall and say "MAYBE I'm better off on this side, afterall !!"

I am keeping the faith, and trusting God will make things turn out better for me and for everyone else around me.

"Blessed is the man who trust in GOD, whose condfidence is in HIM"

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Share Your Story, Experience and Strength Here !!

Dear fellow members and friends.

Come and Share your story, experience and strength over here in this blog. It may be you recovery journey so far, your ways of staying away from first bet, dealing with debts, banks and loansharks etc.....

~ ~ "The best help for an addict is another fellow addict!" ~ ~

Take a look at the right side of the blog. I have 3 songs available for your pleasure listening while you share your story, experience and strength with fellow members here ~ in this blog title !!!!

Understand and Apply the 12 Step Recovery Program

When compulsive gamblers read the 12 steps of recovery for the first time, their reactions can vary:

a) some fear it ..... "it is an impossible task"

b) some denied it ...... "I dont need to do all these things"

c) most common, some are just so sick they dont understand what it is being asked of them so they put it aside

Whatever the reaction, do not panic. When the higher power gave us the 12 steps, he also gave us plenty of time and better still, he gave all of us the same time --- THE REST OF OUR LIVES.

We believe that Step 1 - - " We admitted we were powerless over gambling, that our lives had become unmanageable" - - is virtually a precondition for all the rest. Unless we can admit and accept that gambling has us "licked", that there is no way we can win, we will struggle.

However, we also understand that some of us "just need to place a bet" ... and it's not about winning but about dependence on gambling to achieve the mood change he/she required. Many of us used gambling to cope with our emotions....fear , stress, anxiety, escape life, guilt, depressed ......

The acceptance of Step 1 can keep people free of gambling on its own but, as has been said so often, stopping gambling is not enough. So our predecessors, in their wisdom, laid down the other 11 steps steps of recovery which will enable us to live normal, decent lives and play our part in the society within which we live.

Recovery is a process of Change,

Changes takes time and is progressive in nature.

You may not have stop gambling when you join us in the program, you could progressively achieve total abstinence from gambling. It's one day at a time. As one of the member reflected :

"I still punt, but not the way I used to. I started to have thoughts of my love ones and family each time I place a bet..... sometimes I do walk away without betting, sometimes I place a small bet. It's not about winning, but allowing it to calm down my struggles within. I havce learned to place enough safety nets while I progresses .... I have my love one (my wife) to check on me, I don't hold extra money or credit card or even atm card. I take daily allowance from my wife..... hopefully as I progress in the recovery, there is no need for me to place even a small bet anymore ...."

There is a tremendous amount of knowledge and wisdom in the GA meeting rooms.... It's not just abt 12steps..... it's about each and everyone of our experience and strength in recovery, helping us to learn to live life on life's term, encouraging members to stay out of trouble due to gambling, going back home safely each day!!

There are many ways to recover, take whatever works for you..... and if you can't find any, try this simple, structured 12 steps program.

It will enable you to know yourself better.

It will set you at peace with yourself and fellow human beings.

It will bring you serenity and allow you to manage your life with some dignity, self-respect and the love of your love ones, famliy and fellow man.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Right Believing Leads To Right Living

Important ~ Right Believing
1) "GOD is never tempted to do wrong, And HE never tempts anyone else either ..... "
2) "What is impossible from human perspective is possible with GOD!"
- - Is anything too hard for Our Creator ??
3) "GOD is Love"
- - The unfailing love and faithfulness of GOD never ends .....
4) "GOD will never condemn you!!"
- - The one who has the right to condemn you and judge you, chose instead to send HIS beloved son to die for you, for the forgiveness of your sins......
5) "GOD is Faithful"
- - HE will always find a way out for you when you are tempted ..... HE will never fail you or forsake you .....
6) "Humble yourself before GOD, resist the accuser within & he will flee from you"
- - Draw close to GOD and GOD will draw close to you......
7) GOD has promised a way out of every temptation ..... HE is the solution .....
As this is a spiritual program, right spiritual beliefs will leads to right living. 12th step program is a program of change .... Changes can only take places with right believing and right thinking !!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Old Dreams Needn’t Die

“Lost dreams awaken and new possibilities arise.”

Most of us had dreams when we were young. Whether we dreamed of a dynamic career, a large and loving family, or travels abroad, our dreams died when our gambling addiction took hold. Anything we ever wanted for ourselves was cast away in our pursuit of our gambling career ..... the pursuit of the false hope of a big win....

Our dreams didn’t go beyond the next BET and the euphoria we hoped it would bring. Now in recovery, we find a reason to hope that our lost dreams could still come true. No matter how old we are, how much our addiction has taken from us, or how unlikely it may seem, our freedom from active addiction gives us the freedom to pursue our ambitions.

We may discover that we’re very talented at something, or find a hobby we love, or learn that continuing our education can bring remarkable rewards. We used to put most of our energy into spinning excuses and rationalizations for our failures. Now we can use our energy to do whatever we can, one day at a time, to the best of our ability ... to work towards fulfilling our dreams.

We will not be anxious of anything. Our heart will be filled with gratitude, thanks-giving and in everything, we will pray about it and turn it our to the care of God.

Today, we go forward and make use of the many opportunities life presents to us. We may be amazed at what we’re capable of. With our foundation of recovery, success, fulfillment, and satisfaction are within our reach at last.

Just for today:

Starting today, I’ll do whatever I can to realize my dreams.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Steps towards "Slip"


Stage 1 = Doubt created

Stage 2 = Faith Shaken

Stage 3 =
Confusion Of Mind

Stage 4 = Attracted By Tempation

Stage 5 = Self-Desires within increases

Stage 6 =
Vulenerable to Deception

Finally .... Stage 7 = Giving in to temptation....

This is my version and experience on how temptaion works against me ......Understanding the various stages of the temptation cycle allows me to build my own safety nets.


This program offers HOPE

“This program offers hope. All you have to bring with you is the desire to stop gambling and the willingness to try this new way of life.”

From time to time we wonder if we’re “doing it right” in GA. Are we attending enough meetings? Are we using our sponsor, or working the steps, or speaking, or reading, or living the “right” way?

We value the fellowship of recovering addicts—we don’t know what we’d do without it. What if the way we’re practicing our program is “wrong”? Does that make us “bad” GA members?

We can settle our insecurities by reviewing our Third Tradition, which assures us that “the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling.”

There aren’t any rules that say we’ve got to attend this many meetings or these particular meetings, or work the steps this way at this pace, or live our lives to suit these people in order to remain GA members in good standing. It’s true that, if we want the kind of recovery we see in members we respect, we’ll want to practice the kind of program that’s made their recovery possible.

But GA is a fellowship of freedom; we work the program the best way for us, not for someone else. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling.

- - Just for today- -

I will look at the program I’m working in light of my own recovery. I will practice that program to the best of my ability.

The Return To Gambling ~ A True Story

.... Walking out of pink clouds, I was suddenly bombarded with problems; problems of reconcilation at home, problems of re-adjusting and meeting life-on-life's term, problems of settling down after spending time behind bars, and most importantly the ever-present gamble problem in MY BLOOD ......

I realised that I have remained in the past instead of revealing the current bug running thru my viens. I tried very hard to live in a healthy recovery ...... My very real and disturbing problems were kept within...... gambling is in my blood..... gambling allows the mood alteration that my brain chemical required ......

I watched my deterioration with the feeling that my active participation in GA and other recovery self-help group meetings would overcome my problem. I felt that working one part of the program was an insurance policy. IT DID NOT WORK ......

Then I became agitated.... anxiety increased..... I went into the self-pity mode fill with so much guilt and shame. In the program, I learned that I had for years avoided solving problems and achieving my mood alteration by gambling, but my defense against life's problem was gone - - I had stopped gambling. Now I was faced with problems for which I hadn't the wherewithal to resolve or tolerate.

I became hysterical. My therapy hinted at the disaster to come. Although I was actively involved in meetings and helping new members, I went back to gambling. I placed a bet. Even it's a small bet. It's still a bet. I gave in to acheive the mood alteration which I desired. It works 100%. I slipped......

Back at GA, I was asked to face the reality that I had gambled and run away from my problems for many years and hence, compounded most of the problems in my life. The disease model of ADDICTION is a chronic relapsing disease. This awakening created an inward disgust. I was the cause and effect of my miserable condition.

I tempted myself and at the first opportunity gave up my principle ..... I tempted myself becos I was "sick"......I gambled with my principle not to gamble .... I gambled to achieve stability in my emotions, relieving the stress, fear and condemnation I was feeling .... I discoverd a new form of action.

TODAY in GA self-help group, I am a better listener. I healed the wound of my slip, and I know that the first bet is made in the mind..... I know how my body and brain chemical is so dependent on gambling to achieve the mood alternation..... I need to rebuild all the forms of natural relationships in life as not to depends on gambling for mood alteration....... I need to be patient, to persevere and to work the program to claim spiritual progress rather than perfection. I need to learn to take baby-steps

TODAY I watch for the signals and the origins of the 'disaster' (anger, impatience, stress, condemnation, guilt,shame) and attempt to alter my attitude immediately.......

Repair the moment, one day at a time, and live free of slip.....

Friday, June 6, 2008

Fellowship of GA

Many may have misunderstood the "Fellowship of GA "....

You don't have to stop gambling inorder to join us..... You don't have to be "clean" and "sober" to join us ...

ALL that is required is "the desire to stop gambling"

Even if you don't have the desire to stop at the moment BUT if you are aware that gambling is causing destruction in your life...... OR if you are repeatedly getting into trouble/debts because of gambling...... AND if gambling causing you losing touch with your emotions .....

..... Come join us .....

There is no judgement .....

There is no condemnation .....

There is no discrimination .....


Our focus is on showing the compulsive gambler who wants help, how to help him or herself.
One of our fundamental principles is that the help offered by GA can be effective only when it is asked for and open-mindedly accepted by any newcomer.


Coping With Urges to Gamble

Many compulsive gamblers, especially those in early stages of recovery, experience urges to gamble, some even believe that after coming into recovery, we can learn to gamble socially ......

Repetition of the gambling behavior over a relatively long period of time, combined with thoughts of gambling and associated pleasurable feelings, causes the compulsive gambler to experience cravings, and trying to stop these desires would caused one to experience post acute withdrawal ......
Sometimes these urges to bet are so intense and overpowering that they cause the gambler to relapse ..... and gambling addiction has such overpowering effect over oneself ...... So slips and relapse do happen often in recovery.....

..... Changes takes time and it takes alot of practise .....
BUT most importantly "WE" have to continue this recovery journey eventhough it's painful and at times very frustrating, especially when our love ones don't understand ..... We have to learn from each slip, relapse so that we can't learn more coping skills and put more safety nets for ourselves to prevent us from going back to our full destructive gambling lifestyle .....
Here are some suggestions to cope with urges to gamble

1) Attends regular GA meetings

2) Pick up the phone to call a fellow GA members to talk, someone that you trust

3) Read and re-read GA materials to re-inforeced the importance of staying away from betting

4) Work your 12 steps recovery program on a consistence and regular basis

5) Don't go in or near gambling establishments

6) Avoid looking at things which will trigger your gambling thoughts

7) Avoid being caught up in gambling discussion or analysis

8) Keep away from your gambling associates

9) Get someone to control your daily allowance... if not possible, carry only the bare minimum of money you need for the day

10) Start changing your attitude ..... there's alot of difference between "I HAVE TO STOP GAMBLING" and "I WANT TO STOP GAMBLING"

11) Change Behavior ... most difficult task ..... but it's needed to prevent a return to your previous life destructive patterns

12) Acknowledge the urges, and don't fight against it. Be aware of it - don't denied

13) Delay your bets, putting it off again and again..... urges too shall pass

14) Change the thoughts in your mind ... change the slide

15) Accept the fact that you cannot gamble safely

16) Keep saying the serenity prayers

...... KEEP YOURSELF SAFE ......