Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
Gambling Addiction Vs Problem Gambling

Friday, July 4, 2008

Handling Conflicts

“We learn that conflicts are a part of reality, and we learn new ways to resolve them instead of running from them.”

From time to time, we all experience conflicts. However, in recovery, it may be that we just can’t seem to get along with people around us. Maybe our family and loves one are driving us crazy.

Or perhaps our spouse or partner isn’t meeting our expectations and they don't seems to understand and care about us .....

Dealing with any conflict is difficult for recovering addicts. When tempers rise, it is often a good idea to back away from the situation until cooler minds prevail. We can always return for further discussion when we have calmed down.

We can’t avoid troubling situations, but we can use time and distance to find perspective.

Conflict is a constant part of life. It is unrealistic and we can’t go through our entire recovery without encountering disagreements and differences of opinion. Sometimes we can back away from these situations, taking time to reflect on them, but there always comes a time when conflict must be resolved.

When that time comes, we take a deep breath, say a prayer, and apply the principles our program has given us: honesty, openness, responsibility, forgiveness, trust, and all the rest.

In the past, we use gambling to keep running from life—and now in recovery, we don’t have to run anymore. We will learn how to face them, live with them.

Just for today:

The principles my program has given me are sufficient to guide me through any situation. I will strive to confront conflict in a healthy way.

Recovery is Discovery. It is .....

1) Staying away from our destructive gambling life + progressive changes


2) Learning how to live, incorporating the spiritual principles we learned in the 12 steps recovery program into our lives, to live life on life's term and to liverin harmony with others and most importantly with ourselves.


Anonymous said...

The process to recovery is hard. It requires determination and strong will and most importantly u have to follow god closely if not you will fall again. I was halfway to recovery but i took things into my own hands and did not follow him closely thus i fall again. I have to walk through the journey again.

Unknown said...

I believe this is actually the most useful blog I've been through this entire day.