Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
Gambling Addiction Vs Problem Gambling

Friday, June 27, 2008


"Today when someone points out a shortcoming, my first reaction may be defensive. I know there will always be room for growth. I am still learning”

Recovery is a process that brings about change in my life. I need that change if I am to continue my growth toward freedom.

It’s important that I remain open-minded when others point out my shortcomings, for they are bringing to light opportunities for us to change and grow. Especially those shortcomings which I thought were my strength.

Reacting defensively limits my ability to receive the help they are offering to me; letting go of my defense opens the door to change, growth, and new freedom.

Each day in my recovery process will bring an opportunity for further change and growth. The more I learn to greet change with an open mind and heart, the more I will grow and the more comfortable I will become with my recovery


kungfu_panda said...

A person who embodies humility will make the effort to listen to and accept others. The greater the acceptance of others, the more that person will be held in high esteem,
and the more that person will be listened to.

One searching his or her inner world can find jewels buried in the depths.
And the jewel buried deepest - which shines the brightest and
gives the most light - is humility. At the darkest moments, its rays penetrate.
It removes fear and insecurity and opens up the self to universal truths.

Humility is to let go and let be. The stone of conflict lies in the consciousness of "I" and "mine" and in possessiveness - over a role, an activity, an object, a person, even the physical body.

Humility eliminates possessiveness and narrow vision which create physical intellectual, and emotional boundaries. Such limitations destroy self-esteem and build walls of arrogance and pride, which distance others.

When one has the virtue of humility, everyone "bows down," since everyone bows to those who themselves bow first. Thus, the sign of greatness is humility.

Unknown said...

I am confident you've got a great enthusiast following there.