Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
Gambling Addiction Vs Problem Gambling

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Day 26/27/28 New Norm ⁴²

It's more stable now after adjusting 21/90 days. 

Im able to maintain calm and peace within 
Carry on my daily life with passion and purpose. When Im placing a bet, im also calm without expectation. 

No point being angry anymore.... bcos i still love placing the bet. 

Im glad that im able to go with the flow.... let things take it course and see how it goes.

At the end of the day..... i knw that im not the one! 
How much time is left for me?? 

Just keep loving.🙌🙌🙌 bcos...

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