Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

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Saturday, June 21, 2008


The Way to Serenity & Peace of mind.

I struggle to live life on life's terms in recovery. Often, I was advise : "If you can't solve your problems, learn to live with them and in-spite of them"

"Oh sure ... sure ... just like that.... it's just so simple.... I thought...."

- - Just accept it that there are people, places and things that you cannot change them. In recovery, we use the serenity prayers - - written by Reinhold Niebuhr.

It was shared by many that you simply ask God to give you the ability to take people, places and things as they are, if you cannot change them. We can seldom change people, especially those that we have harmed or traunmatised during the course of our active addiction. We cannot expect them to be delighted or grateful for our recovery. BUT we can Change ourselves.

Acceptance is the only real source of tranquillity, serenity, peace. It is alos known as "Surrender", "Bowing to the Inevitable", "Joining 'em". It can be acquired if you have an urgent desire to help yourself and are willing to ask God to help you.

In practise:
Face up to the problems that is driving you wild, and say: " Is there anything I can do about it right now today?" If there is do it ! Don't put it off another minute. If there's nothing you can do about it today, accept it and forget it.

I don't get over a high wall by banging my head against it - I will just get a headache and a bruised head. If I sit down in a shade of the wall and say "MAYBE I'm better off on this side, afterall !!"

I am keeping the faith, and trusting God will make things turn out better for me and for everyone else around me.

"Blessed is the man who trust in GOD, whose condfidence is in HIM"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If truth be told informative and valuable detail is here.