Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
Gambling Addiction Vs Problem Gambling

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Understand and Apply the 12 Step Recovery Program

When compulsive gamblers read the 12 steps of recovery for the first time, their reactions can vary:

a) some fear it ..... "it is an impossible task"

b) some denied it ...... "I dont need to do all these things"

c) most common, some are just so sick they dont understand what it is being asked of them so they put it aside

Whatever the reaction, do not panic. When the higher power gave us the 12 steps, he also gave us plenty of time and better still, he gave all of us the same time --- THE REST OF OUR LIVES.

We believe that Step 1 - - " We admitted we were powerless over gambling, that our lives had become unmanageable" - - is virtually a precondition for all the rest. Unless we can admit and accept that gambling has us "licked", that there is no way we can win, we will struggle.

However, we also understand that some of us "just need to place a bet" ... and it's not about winning but about dependence on gambling to achieve the mood change he/she required. Many of us used gambling to cope with our emotions....fear , stress, anxiety, escape life, guilt, depressed ......

The acceptance of Step 1 can keep people free of gambling on its own but, as has been said so often, stopping gambling is not enough. So our predecessors, in their wisdom, laid down the other 11 steps steps of recovery which will enable us to live normal, decent lives and play our part in the society within which we live.

Recovery is a process of Change,

Changes takes time and is progressive in nature.

You may not have stop gambling when you join us in the program, you could progressively achieve total abstinence from gambling. It's one day at a time. As one of the member reflected :

"I still punt, but not the way I used to. I started to have thoughts of my love ones and family each time I place a bet..... sometimes I do walk away without betting, sometimes I place a small bet. It's not about winning, but allowing it to calm down my struggles within. I havce learned to place enough safety nets while I progresses .... I have my love one (my wife) to check on me, I don't hold extra money or credit card or even atm card. I take daily allowance from my wife..... hopefully as I progress in the recovery, there is no need for me to place even a small bet anymore ...."

There is a tremendous amount of knowledge and wisdom in the GA meeting rooms.... It's not just abt 12steps..... it's about each and everyone of our experience and strength in recovery, helping us to learn to live life on life's term, encouraging members to stay out of trouble due to gambling, going back home safely each day!!

There are many ways to recover, take whatever works for you..... and if you can't find any, try this simple, structured 12 steps program.

It will enable you to know yourself better.

It will set you at peace with yourself and fellow human beings.

It will bring you serenity and allow you to manage your life with some dignity, self-respect and the love of your love ones, famliy and fellow man.


kungfu_panda said...

I tried using willpower and determination , i failed countless times in quitting.

" How to stop and stay stop "

I felt hopeless and helpless until I seek help and discovered to my surprise there is a few suggested ways to help me to stay stop in gambling.

They are :
1. 12 Steps Recovery Program
2. Rational Emotive Behavior
Therapy (REBT)
3. Cognitive Behavioral Theraphy
4. Developmental Model of Recovery

I used to think I have no choice
and feel very lost but the truth is.... I have a choice to choose from a few methods one that work best for me.

There is hope...

Unknown said...

Cool blog site friend I'm about to suggest this to all my listing contacts.