Life On Life's Term

面對它 - - Face it

接受它 - - Accept it

処理它 - - Due With it (To the best of your ability)

放下它 - - Let go of it

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers

Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
Gambling Addiction Vs Problem Gambling

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


JUST FOR TODAY, my thoughts will be on my recovery, living and enjoying life without gambling ........

JUST FOR TODAY, I will have faith in someone in GA who believes in me and wants to help me in recovery.......

JUST FOR TODAY, I will have a program. I will try to follow it to the best of my ability ...........

JUST FOR TODAY, through GA, I will try to get a better perspective on my life .........

JUST FOR TODAY, I will be unafraid. My thoughts will be on my new associations, people who are not gambling and who have found a new way of life. So long as I follow that way, I ahve nothing to fear ........

JUST FOR TODAY, I will keep it simple, one day at a time , let go and let god.


kinjio said...

Just for today , I will remember that I cannot change all the wrongdoing I have done in the past.

I carry a 180 000 debt now.
I will not gamble and hope to win 180 000 dollars in a short time.

I will work and set aside 1000 dollar every month.
Over 15 years , I will be able to repay 180 000 dollars.

I will follow the plan
I will still have money left over for my family and myself to live life like a normal person and BE HAPPY.

I must learn Gratitude and Contentment , it will help me feel happy and humble.

I need Strength , Courage and Skills to STAY STOP.

Hope keep me going......

kinjio said...

Just for today I will be grateful and contented with what little I have.

I still believe I can win money from gambling .

After I gamble , the results I see in the end ,

is always different from what I believe.

When I have the urge to place a bet ,

I may feel anxious , tense and uneasy ..

My mind keep dwelling on the match ,

The only thing predictable about the whole thing is

this unbearable feeling will go away after I place the bet

regardless whether the result win or lose.

Despite the many heavy loses ,

I chose only to remember and relived the winning experiences ,

good memories and block out all the losing experience and bad memories.

I keep remembering many times I have win money from gambling.

If I had done it in the past ,

I must be able to do it again now and in the future.

Very soon , I will return to gambling

If I do not change the way I think
If I do not change my lifestyle and
be contented and grateful with what little I have.
Gambling will alway be a part of my life.